With a greater number of study abroad programs in more independent schools, concern about the possible risks involved is rising — and warranted. According to a recent study conducted by NAIS and United Educators, no universal policies exist regarding risk management, waivers of liability on trips, background checks for trip leaders and host families, contracts with vendors, or processes for evaluating the effectiveness of trips. Insufficient funding could be the reason for the policy omission, as more than half of surveyed schools reported a budget of less than $15,000 for their overseas trips and programs.
The Nature of Study Abroad Programs

Risk Management Survey Findings
- More than 60 percent of schools use some form of a centralized oversight approach to international travel. Summit schools agreed that this oversight allows for greater consistency in management.
- Ninety-five percent of responding schools require a parent waiver of liability. These forms are state-specific and should be reviewed regularly by legal counsel. Schools should never “borrow” forms from other schools or vendors without review by counsel.
- Twenty-three percent of schools that use host families or foreign national staff that have unsupervised interactions with students (approximately 77 percent of schools sending students on international trips) do some “vetting” or background checks on host families. Of that group, only 28 percent use background checks. Summit schools agreed that specific issues surfaced with host families and staff from other countries. For starters, background checks are not always available as they are in the United States, and the cultural implications of asking someone to submit to one are different. Schools employ various approaches to vet families, including using partner schools or NGOs or performing visits with each family before the trip. One summit school noted that these can be particularly complicated situations and schools should think about whether the home stay is crucial to the cultural purposes of the trip.
- Only 52 percent of schools responding to the survey have crisis management plans specifically for study abroad programs. Summit schools agreed that having a crisis management plan and ensuring that trip chaperones, student participants, parents, and any third-party vendors are familiar with the plan are crucial to a trip’s success, even in the face of a potentially disruptive situation.
- Sixty-four percent of schools work with third-party vendors to execute trips. Of this group, 69 percent have a signed contract with the third-party vendor, although 36 percent do not know exactly what is in the contract. When third parties take on responsibility for some aspects of a school trip, clarity about the tasks they will be performing, the safety of the transportation and other elements they will provide, insurance, indemnification, and enforceability are all key aspects of the vendor agreement.
- 2014 NAIS Global Education Survey
- NAIS and United Educators Study Abroad Risk Survey and Summit Report, NAIS
- Standards of Good Practice for Short-Term Education Abroad Programs, Forum on Education Abroad, Dickinson College
- Strengthening Study Abroad: Recommendations for Effective Institutional Management for Presidents, Senior Administrators, and Study Abroad Professionals, NAFSA