NAIS Board of Trustees

The NAIS Board of Trustees, currently composed of 16 individuals (and no less than 12), addresses its fiduciary, strategic, and generative duties, led by the officers and the Executive Committee. The full board meets three times a year: in November, in late February or early March, and again in June. The board has four standing committees and one subcommittee.

The NAIS Board of Trustees is committed to diversity and actively seeks those belonging to underrepresented populations.

Selection of Trustees and Call for Nominations

The NAIS Board of Trustees generally issues a call for nominations each July for a class of trustees that will serve a three-year term commencing at the following year’s NAIS Annual Meeting. After reviewing all of the nominations with the board’s strengths and needs in mind, the Governance Committee puts forth a slate of candidates. Members vote on this slate at the NAIS Annual Meeting, which takes place during the NAIS Annual Conference.  

The call for nominations for the NAIS Board of Trustees’ Class of 2027 has closed. 

Timetable for the NAIS Board Nomination and Election Process

  • July: The call for nominations opened. 
  • September: The call for nominations closed September 29.  
  • November: After reviewing candidates for the Class of 2027, the NAIS Governance Committee proposes a slate of new trustees to the NAIS Board. The Board votes on the slate.
  • February: At the NAIS Annual Meeting of Members, held during the NAIS Annual Conference, the NAIS membership will elect the Class of 2027 trustees and officer slates.
If you have any questions concerning the NAIS Board of Trustees nomination process, please contact Erica Zematis at [email protected].


For questions about the NAIS Board of Trustees, please contact Michael Nachbar, chair of the Governance Committee and executive director, Global Online Academy, at [email protected], or Morva McDonald, NAIS vice president of leadership and governance, at [email protected].